GUSTorganizes the colloquium 'Mid-Size City. The dual nature of urban imagery in Europe during the long 20th century' on April 19-21. The colloquium is free of charge. More information on the content and programme can be found here.
The Romanian Association for American Studies, the Faculty of Letters, Ovidius University Constan?a and the Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission, Bucharest are very pleased to announce the organization of the biennial RAAS conference entitled Remapping Urban Spaces: American Challenges to take place October 4-6, 2012. The venue of the conference will be Ovidius University, Constanta. Please find the call for papers and the registration form attached. We are looking forward to your participation in the event.
Conference Coordinator:
Professor Adina Ciugureanu
RAAS President
Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania
Tel: +40241551773
Fax: +40241543045
Contact Committee:
Ludmila Martanovschi RAAS Secretary,
Ileana Jitaru RAAS Treasurer
and Nicoleta Stanca
The Ghent Urban Studies Team, in which numerous members of our department take part, organizes in april 2012 a colloquium on the mid-size city, and the dual nature of urban imagery in Europe during the long 20th century. A scientific committee invites interested parties to send in possible contributions to the symposium. Call for papers (Download PDF)